- Owning the Future Islamic Revolution: The Jamaat-e-Islami, the Islami Jamiat-e-Talaba, and the challenge of Iran“, paper presentation as part of the panel “Religious authority and the state in Muslim South Asia”, co-organized with Mashal Saif (Clemson University), Annual Conference on South Asia, 29 October-1 November 2024, Madison, Wisconsin, USA
- The Mystical Appeal of a Revolution: Classified Documents, Islamic Third Worldism and Iran in 1983, paper presentation at the 31st Conference of the Union Européenne des Arabisants et Islamisants (UEAI), Granada, Spain, 9-14 September 2024
- The “Discovery” of modern Islam in East Germany after 1979, invited lecture, University of Erfurt, Germany, 30 April 2024
- The Mystical Appeal of a Revolution: Classified Documents, Islamic Third Worldism and Iran in 1983, invited lecture as part of the Monday Lectures in Religious, Social and Cultural Studies, University of Erfurt, Germany, 29 April 2024
- Revolutionary Inference: Iran and Global Islam, invited talk as part of the conference“Islam, the Modern Nation State and Transnational Movements: Research, Challenges, Responses,” Gerda Henkel Foundation, Düsseldorf, Germany, 04-06 October 2023
- Underestimated Mullahs: Shi’i Islam and the Long Shadow of the Iranian Revolution of 1978/79, public lecture as part of the lecture series “Revolution, Reaction, Religion: Perspectives of 1848”, Goethe University Frankfurt, 28 June 2023
- Publics under Threat, Panel discussion hosted by the German Young Academy, co-organized with Valeska Huber (University of Vienna) featuring Shenila Khoja-Moolji (Georgetown University), Amro Ali (University of Hassan II Casablanca) and Ghazal Abdollahi (Darmstadt), Humboldt University Berlin, 23 June 2023
- How to Import a Revolution: Shi’is, Sunni Islamists, and their Detractors in Pakistan, invited talk as part of the workshop “The Iranian Revolution at 45: Short- and Long-Term Global Effects on Islamist Politics,” organized by Raphaël Lefèvre (University of Bristol) and Toby Matthiesen (University of Stanford and University Ca’ Foscari), 03 March 2023, LSE, London
- Sidelining Sayyids: Shi’i Islam and Religious Authority in Pakistan, invited talk as part of the Online Symposium “Shi’i Traditionalism in Modern South Asia,” organized by Ali Altaf Mian (University of Florida), 26 January 2023
- A/Symmetries, Europe and Global Islam, invited talk as part of the lecture series “A/Symmetries – Interdisciplinary Perspectives,” organized by Bettina M. Bock (University of Cologne) and Thorsten Merl (University of Marburg), 17 January 2023, held on Zoom
- Back to School. The Surprising Vitality of the madhhab in South Asia, paper presentation as part of the Workshop “On Leadership and Authority in the 20th Century Muslim World”, co-organized with Layli Uddin (London), Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS), 7-8 December 2022
- The Discovery of Islam in the East Germany after 1979, talk as part of the panel “Islamic and Middle East Studies during the Cold War,” co-organized with Dennis Half (Trier), 34th Deutscher Orientalistentag, Free University of Berlin, 16 September 2022
- Utopian Horizons: Iran and the Many Possibilities of the Early 1980s, paper presentation as part of the panel “Negotiating Future/s in the MENA Region and Beyond,”34th Deutscher Orientalistentag, Free University of Berlin, 13 September 2022
- Searching for Friends Across the Global South: Secret Documents, Iran, and the Export of the Revolution in 1983, invited paper as part of the workshop “1979 and the Fate of Third-Worldism in the Middle East,” University of Copenhagen (via Zoom), February 20-22 2022
- Participation on the panel “Reassessing the Impacts of the Iranian Revolution Elsewhere” (together with Raphaël Lefèvre and Laurence Louër), 01 December 2021, Crown Center for Middle East Studies, Brandeis University (via Zoom)
- The Invention of Moderate Islam: 9/11 and the Restructuring of Religion in the Islamic World (together with Alexander Balistreri), lecture as par of the lecture series „9/11, 20 Years on“, hosted by the University of Basel and the University of Freiburg, 25 November 2021
- Super Zakirs and Absent Ayatollahs: marjiʿ-muqallid dynamics in contemporary Pakistan, paper to be presented as part of the panel “Contemporary Notions of Shiʿi Religious Authority in Practice” at the conference on “Clergy-state relations in Twelver Shia Islam”, 20-21 May 2021, ZMO Berlin (via Zoom)
- Reclaiming the Citizen: Pakistan’s Shi’is and the State, invited talk, panel on “Dynamics in South Asia” of the “Symposium on Diversity and Unity in Transnational Shi’ism”, hosted by The Project on Shi’ism and Global Affairs at Harvard University’s Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, April 5-8 (via Zoom)
- Potentials of Periphery: How Pakistan’s Religious Scholars Engage Global Islam, invited talk, Panel on “Religious Thought and Tradition among Differences”, 10th University of Michigan Pakistan Conference: Religious Landscapes, 2-3 April 2021 (via Zoom)
- Strange Success: The Enduring Appeal of an Islamic State after Colonialism, invited talk, Islam after Colonialism Seminar hosted by the University of Exeter and Habib University, Karachi, 30 March 2021 (via FacebookLive/Zoom), https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cg8hk-kfI7Y
- “We carry an inerasable image in our hearts”: What Sunni Islamists learned about religious authority from the Iranian Revolution, invited talk, Panel on “Authority in the Globalised Muslim World”, Alwaleed Centre for the Study of Islam in the Contemporary World at the University of Edinburgh, UK, 07 December 2020 (via Zoom)
- A Dream of Divine Sovereignty, Realized: Pakistan, the Jamaat-e-Islami and the Iranian Revolution, invited talk, Centre for Research of History of O. P. Jindal University, India, and the History Department of the University of Leeds, UK, 16 November 2020 (via Zoom), https://vimeo.com/486320364
- Islamic Socialism in the Global South, week-long series of webinars, co-organized with Dr. Layli Uddin (King’s College London), 14-18 September 2020 (via Zoom). For more information, see https://globalislamicsocialism.wordpress.com
- Hack the Middle East, workshop on digital humanities, co-organized with Valeska Huber (Free University Berlin) and Isabelle Dolezalek (University of Greifswald), 11-12 August 2020 (via Zoom), https://www.diejungeakademie.de/en/activities/projects/hack-the-middle-east
- Geopolitics, Iran-centrism, Foucault: Why it’s time to write a global history of the Iranian Revolution of 1979, invited talk, „Forschungskolloquium zur Geschichte der vormodernen und modernen Welt“, University of Lucerne, Switzerland, May 12, 2020 (via Zoom)
- How Global Islam and the Iranian Revolution Parted Ways, Instagram Live Conversation with Sajjad Rizvi (University of Exeter) as part of the #ExeterConvos, May 4, 2020, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EHTZ-XU5eoM
- Book Talk on: In a Pure Muslim Land. Shi‘ism between Pakistan and the Middle East, Department of History, Quaid-i-Azam University, January 16, 2020, Islamabad, Pakistan
- Book Launch of In a Pure Muslim Land. Shi‘ism between Pakistan and the Middle East, with Ali Usman Qasmi (LUMS/Lahore) and Alia Iqbal Naqvi (IBA Karachi) as part of theAfkar-e-Taza Thinkfest, January 12, 2020, Lahore, Pakistan
- Hunting for Paradigms: Shiʿi Islam and the Challenge of History. Paper presentation as part of the panel “Islamic Histories”, organized by Sana Haroon (UMass Boston), Annual Meeting, American Historical Association (AHA), January 3-6, 2020, NYC, USA