04/2021 Inaugural Book Award of the South Asian Muslim Studies Association (SAMSA) for In a PureMuslim Land. Shiʿism between Pakistan and the Middle East
10/2019-09/2020 Junior Fellowship, Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS), granting teaching relief for one year
05/2019-05/2014 Elected Member of the Junge Akademie, a joint initiative of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities and the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina (https://www.diejungeakademie.de/en)
12/2017-08/2019 Research Award, Special Programme of the Gerda Henkel Foundation “Islam,the Modern Nation State and Transnational Movements” for my research project on the global intellectual history of the Iranian Revolution
09/2017 Research Prize of the Annemarie-Schimmel-Stiftung für Islamkunde, Bonn, Germany
06/2016 Bayard and Cleveland Dodge Memorial Dissertation Prize 2016 for best PhD dissertation, awarded by the Department of Near Eastern Studies, Princeton University
02/2016 S. S. Pirzada Dissertation Prize on Pakistan, awarded by the Institute for South Asia Studies,University of California Berkeley (Members of the Prize Committee: Prof. Manan Ahmed (Columbia University), Prof. Munis Faruqui (UC Berkeley), Prof. Farooq Hamid (UC Riverside), and Prof. Saba Mahmood (UC Berkeley)