1) The Iranian Revolution: A Global History. Under contract with Princeton University Press.
2) In a Pure Muslim Land. Shiʿism between Pakistan and the Middle East (Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 2019), Islamic Networks and Muslim Civilization Series.
Recipient of the Inaugural Book Award of the South Asian Muslim Studies Association (SAMSA), 2021.
South Asian edition published by Speaking Tiger Books, Delhi. An Urdu translation is under preparation by Folio Books.
3) Proper Signposts for the Camp. The Reception of Classical Authorities in the Ǧihādī Manual al-ʿUmda fī Iʿdād al-ʿUdda (Würzburg: Ergon, 2011).
4) Simon Wolfgang Fuchs and Stephanie Garling (eds.), Religion in Diktatur und Demokratie – Zur Bedeutung von religiösen Werten, Praktiken und Institutionen in politischen Transformationsprozessen (The Role of Religion in Dictatorship and Democracy. Studies on the Importance of Religious Values, Practices, and Institutions during Political Transformations) (Berlin: Lit Verlag, 2011)
Edited Special Issues
Guest editor of the special section “Religious Minorities in Pakistan”, South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies 43,1 (2020) (together with Maria-Magdalena Fuchs)
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
1) Simon Wolfgang Fuchs and Alexander E. Balistreri, “Reflektierte Führer in der Allianz der Toleranz: 9/11 und die Suche nach dem ‘gemäßigten Islam'” (Thoughtful Leader in the Tolerance Alliance: 9/11 and the Quest for a ‘moderate Islam’, in German) Asiatische Studien – Études Asiatiques 76,2 (2022): 247-280.
2) “A Direct Flight to Revolution: Maududi, Divine Sovereignty, and the 1979-Moment in Iran”, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 32, 2 (2022): 333-354, available Open Access
3) “Casting aside the Clutches of Conjecture: the Striving for Religious Certainty at Aligarh”, Islamic Law and Society 27,4 (2020): 386-410
4) “Legalised Pedigrees: Sayyids and Shiʿi Islam in Pakistan,” Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society 30,3 (2020): 489-504 (part of a special issue on Sayyidness in South Asia, edited by Laurence Gautier and Julien Levesque), available Open Access
5) “Reclaiming the Citizen: Christian and Shi‘i Engagements with the Pakistani State”, contribution to the special issue “Religious Minorities in Pakistan”, South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies 43,1 (2020): 101-118
6) “Introduction: Religious Minorities in Pakistan: Social Belonging, Identities, and Citizenship,” contribution to the special issue “Religious Minorities in Pakistan”, South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies 43,1 (2020): 52-67 (together with Maria-Magdalena Fuchs) (Free Access)
7) “Faded Networks: The Overestimated Saudi Legacy of anti-Shi‘i Sectarianism in Pakistan”, Global Discourse 9,4 (2019): 703-715
8) „Von Schiiten lernen: Der Reiz des Martyriums für sunnitische Gruppen in Pakistan und Afghanistan,” (Learning from Shiʿites: The Appeal of Martyrdom for Sunni Groups in Pakistan and Afghanistan) BEHEMOTH – A Journal on Civilisation 12,1 (2019): 52-68
9) “Third Wave Shiʿism: Sayyid ʿArif Husain al-Husaini and the Impact of the Iranian Revolution in Pakistan,” Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society 24,3 (2014): 493-510
10) “Failing Transnationally: Local Intersections of Science, Medicine, and Sectarianism in Modernist Shiʿi Writings,” Modern Asian Studies 48,2 (2014): 433-467
11) “Do Excellent Surgeons Make Miserable Exegetes? Negotiating the Sunni Tradition in the ǧihādī Camps,” Die Welt des Islams 53,2 (2013): 192-237
12) Ḥosayn ʿAlī Montaẓarī, “Religious Government and Human Rights (Ḥokūmat-e dīnī va ḥoqūq-e ensān),” trans. Simon Wolfgang Fuchs, Die Welt des Islams, 52,1 (2012): 69-102
Peer-Reviewed Book Chapters
1) “Searching for Friends Across the Global South: Classified Documents, Iran, and the Export of the Revolution in 1983,” in Rasmus Christian Elling and Sune Haugbølle (eds.), Iran, Palestine, 1979, 1982: The Fate of Third Worldism in the Middle East (London: Oneworld, 2024), 70-95.
2) “The Islamist International in Lahore: The Jamaat-i Islami, the Middle East, and the Quest for an Islamic state,” in Bérénice Guyot-Réchard and Elisabeth Leake (eds.), South Asia Unbound: New International Histories of the Subcontinent (Leiden: Leiden University Press, 2023), 203-221
3) “Glossy Global Leadership: Unpacking the Multilingual Religious Thought of the Afghan Jihad,” in Nile Green (ed), Afghanistan’s Islam: From Conversion to the Taliban (Oakland: University of California Press, 2017), 189-206 and 299-307
4) “Modernismus im Blut: Muhammad al-Chalisis medizinisch-technologische Lesart des schiitischen Islams (Bloody Modernism: Muhammad al-Khalisi’s medical-technological reading of Shi‘ite Islam),” in Constanze Breuer and Sebastian Böhmer (eds), Technologien des Glaubens: Schubkräfte zwischen technologischer Entwicklung und religiösen Diskursen (Halle/Saale: Acta Historica Leopoldina, 2017), 85-99
5) “The Long Shadow of the State: The Iranian Revolution, Saudi Influence, and the Shifting Arguments of Anti-Shi‘i Sectarianism in Pakistan,” in Laurence Louër and Christophe Jaffrelot (eds), Pan-Islamic Connections. Transnational Networks Between South Asia and the Gulf (London: Hurst, 2017), 217-232 and 290-300
Handbook Chapters and Bibliographies
1) “Major turning points for Shiʿi Islam in modern South Asia: Princely states, partition, and a revolution,” in Chiara Formichi (ed), Routledge Handbook on Islam in Asia (London: Routledge, 2021), 138-153
2) “Twelver Shi’ism in Pakistan,” Oxford Bibliographies in Islamic Studies (2022),
For an overview of my book reviews, published in Islamic Law and Society, Bulletin of SOAS, Die Welt des Islams, Annales HSS, Contemporary Islam, Review of Middle East Studies, Political Theology, and International Quarterly for Asian Studies, check out my profile.